Parent volunteers are an integral part of our St. Patrick Catholic Community. Without the involvement of our parents many of the programs we offer would simply not exist. All families of students enrolled in St. Patrick Catholic School are required to complete 20 service hours (PPP hours) as part of their contract. Service hours may be completed at school or church and all hours will be counted together. All hours must be completed by May 30th of the current year.
We’re excited to have launched a new online volunteer management platform called OnVolunteers to make it easy for parents to participate in the St. Patrick’s volunteer program. The new system automates and simplifies the volunteer process. There is no fee for parents to use this system.
Each family will have their own unique password-protected website, aka ‘Parent portal’. From within your own portal, you will be able to:
- Easily view your assigned tasks and quickly sign up for available volunteer tasks.
- Automatically track tasks and associated service hours you have signed up for, or have been assigned.
- Know your real-time service hours total, any time.
- Receive/send messages from and to the Volunteer team regarding related matters, all from within your private portal.
You can log into your Parent portal here: For more information about this new program, please click here.
PPP Hour Suggestions
The following activities are suggested (but not limited to) ways of fulfilling the PPP hour committment:
- Baking for class or school function (1 PPP hour for every $10.00 spent)
- School maintenance and repairs
- Sports:Coach/team parent/driving carpool to event
- Driving on class field trips
- Playground recess or lunch duty
- Serving Hot Lunch
- Non-paid classroom help/projects for teachers*
- School Board member
- PTG Board member
- PTG Room Representative*
- PTG Room Parent
- Used Uniform team member
* These activites do not require a majority of time spent at school. This is a great way for working parents to earn PPP hours.
Items that do not count for PPP Hours
- Anything pertaining to a mandatory assigned class/student project
- Driving to sports games just to watch your child play
- Hours attending preparation classes for Reconciliation and First Eucharist
- Contributing to Apple Jar
PPP Guidelines
For a complete list of our PPP Hour Guidelines, please click here.