Mr. Miguel Trujillo
Member Since: 2021
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
What is your favorite memory of being in school? My favorite memory of being in school was competing in every sport I could. I loved playing sports with my friends during school and especially during home games where teachers and classmates cheered us on.
What do you value most about St. Patrick? I value the students most here at St. Pats. I have learned so much from the children and I look forward
to creating new memories with them every day.
Who or what inspires you most? I draw a lot of inspiration from movies. I love all kinds of movies and I believe films are a great source of
creativity for me.
What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time I am mostly playing basketball with my older brother, playing video games with my
friends, going on dates with my girlfriend, or doing some form of physical activity with my family.
What is the best advice you have ever received? The best advice I ever received is “Time heals everything.”